Sunday, August 22, 2010

Another Boat Rescue

Captain and I were on our way into Sebasco Harbor when another sailboat overtook us.  We were happy to see another boat had made it through the fog and heartily waved at our new friend.   As we entered the harbor we put our sails down.  Captain headed the boat into the wind and I hopped up on top to assist in taking down the main sail.  I try to bring it down as neat as possible and then quickly tie it up so it is out of Captains view.  Captain furled in the jib.  We were all set to enter the harbor.  I radioed in and confirmed our arrival for mooring #25.  Yes, we were all set. 

That was until we noticed that our new sailboat friend had run into some trouble.  We circled around and asked him if everything was okay.  Everything was not.  Seems he was sailing alone and when he hopped up on deck to take down his main sail, the long rope that was pulling his dingy had gotten wrapped up in his prop.  We offered to give him a tow to the entrance of the harbor.  I radioed ahead and the launch agreed to meet us at the entrance to assist the sailboat.   I caught the rope as he tossed it to me and we hitched it on one of the back cleats.  While sailboats are really not built for towing, we were willing and able to help a fellow sailor out.   Everything was going great until I noticed we wernt' going anywhere. "Captain", I asked, "is the tide coming in"?  "Are we fighting the tide"?  "No", he said, "something is wrong".  We looked back at the other sailor and he gave us the stop signal.  Seems he picked up a lobster pot.  We threw back the rope and radioed the harbor.  They were on there way to help him out.  After some diving and some untangling, the boat was back on it's way.

Here is Captain, towing the other boat.  Which incidentally, was from Freeport, just like us!

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